Üyeler Görebilir

CRC Press
Published May 4, 2010
Reference - 662 Pages - 190 B/W Illustrations
ISBN 9781439806845 - CAT# K10349
Occupational safety and health — safe work in a safe environment. The challenge, of course, is how to make this happen and make it happen economically. A comprehensive study presenting the state of the art in the field, Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health provides a wide range of methods along with specific criteria for assessing hazard and exposure in the workplace environment. More importantly, it also offers ways to reduce these hazards. The book supplies a compendium of interdisciplinary knowledge that includes physical, chemical, and psychosocial risk factors in the working environment, highlighting issues in Occupational Safety and Health management.
The book discusses the ergonomic principles of shaping products, workstands, and work processes, highlighting the significance of international requirements for competitiveness in world economy. It presents the scientific basis for each safety and health issue, followed by well-illustrated case studies to demonstrate the concepts and theories and their application in real-world situations. Based on the results of international research, the book covers:
- Psychological capabilities of humans in the working environment
- Basic risk factors in the working environment
- Law-based protection of labor
- The effects of hazards in work processes
- Basic directions in shaping conditions of occupational safety and ergonomics