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Kitap & Yayın Trench Rescue: Principles and Practice to NFPA 1006 and 1670

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Üyeler Görebilir

ISBN-13: 978-1449641849
ISBN-10: 1449641849

The third edition of Trench Rescue: Principles and Practice to NFPA 1006 and 1670 provides a comprehensive introduction to trench rescue, focusing on the knowledge and skills required to effectively perform rescues in a variety of trench environments. The text meets and exceeds the coverage of:

• NFPA 1006, 2013 Edition, Chapter 8: Trench Rescue
• NFPA 1006, 2017 Edition, Chapter 6: Trench Rescue
• NFPA 1670, 2014 Edition, Chapter 11: Trench and Excavation Search and Rescue
• OSHA 1926, Subpart P, Excavations

The Third Edition is the most comprehensive trench rescue resource on the market, delivering updated information on soil assessment, trench protection, shoring techniques, and more. Each chapter identifies Trench Rescue Level I and Trench Rescue Level II content accordingly. Early chapters build the foundation of trench rescue knowledge, with discussion of rescue systems, incident management, and trench components and physics. Later chapters explore how and when to implement protective systems, rescue victims, and lead a rescue team.

The Third Edition features:
• Scenario-based learning through You Are the Trench Rescuer and Trench Rescuer in Action scenarios and questions to encourage critical thinking
• Helpful hints and guidance through Tip boxes and Voices of Experience essays
• Detailed, step-by-step instructions for shoring trenches, correlated to NFPA 1006 objectives

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